Jesus Bejar Arroyo Perry

I am a Mexican tattoo artist with a strong presence in the tattoo community. As a Latino tattoo artist, I bring a unique cultural perspective to my craft, blending traditional tattoo techniques with modern influences. With a reputation for my attention to detail and creativity, I have garnered a loyal following of clients who appreciate my skill and artistry.

Early Years

I was born in Tangancicuaro, Michoacán, Mexico, and lived there until I was about 5 years old. After that, my family moved to Salinas, California, a small agricultural town in the heart of California. It was in my childhood in Salinas where I spent a lot of time drawing, which sparked my love for tattooing. I was always drawn to creating illustrations of flowers, buildings, and animals. I also dabbled in attempting to draw manga, but struggled with developing a cohesive storyline.

My upbringing in Salinas cultivated my passion for art and paved the way for my journey into the world of tattooing. The diverse artistic influences around me helped shape my unique style and technique. This city is also what first got me interested in tattooing with the Chicano tattoo scene being so dominant.

My life in Salinas & Monterey County

From a young age, my dream of becoming a Mexican tattoo artist burned brightly within me. However, life had other plans, leading me down a path fraught with challenges. As a DACA recipient, navigating a system that constantly shifted beneath my feet became a daily struggle. The weight of my parent’s divorce added another layer of complexity, leaving me emotionally and mentally drained. The soaring prices in California only added to the burden, forcing me to mature quickly and step up as a provider for my family.

In the face of these trials and tribulations, my dream of becoming an artist had to be put on hold. The need to ensure stability and support for my loved ones took precedence, relegating my passion to the background.

My primary focus during this time of my life revolves around managing both school and work responsibilities. Balancing these commitments often requires me to dedicate extensive hours, occasionally necessitating the juggling of two jobs simultaneously to provide as much support as I can. Graduating from college with a degree marked a significant milestone, particularly as I stand as one of the first individuals in my family to achieve this accomplishment. While the degree I earned may not align precisely with my current professional endeavors, its attainment remains a point of pride and serves as a testament to my dedication and perseverance.